Whew! It has been a busy wargaming month. I am doing this a little early as I will be off the grid next week on a jeep excursion to Palo Duro Canyon in Texas. So I wanted to get this taken care of before then. I want to thank all of you who have subscribed to the blog and Youtube channel. I do appreciate it. Let's' get started with the Cardboard Commander Monthly Action Report for February.
The Table Top Report
The month started strong with my first play of Manila - The Savage Streets from Revolution Games & Take Aim Designs. I did a full playthrough video series that you can see below. I did make some mistakes, but with the help of some internet folks keeping an eye on me, I adjusted and learned the system correctly. Manila was one of the games on my WarRoom 10 challenge and I should get some bonus points for playing the game in the month that it actually happened in history. The game was a blast and you can see the playthrough here.
Next on the table, were two more games from my WarRoom Challenge and my Shelf to Table Challenge. I like knocking things out in pairs when possible. I played the SPI game World War I, a folio game that has been in my collection for many years. It is a small game, that is easy to learn, but hard to master. It is a fantastic game and this play was no different. It is very WWI - Attrition leads the day and it shows what the ground battle was like in this period. If you are looking for a light, fun, and easy-to-play game of WWI, this game is for you.
I had A House Divided set up on my table as well. This is an entry-level Civil War game and it has always been one of my favorites. Pushing the counters around this point-to-point battle map is always a good time. This is always one of the games, I break out, if I have someone who wants to venture into the wargame arena.
That will be four (4) games played through February 2024. Not too bad. I am happy with where I am at with the War Room Challenge. I hope to keep that momentum going forward into the spring and summer.
The Virtual Table Top
The Vassal front has gone well in February. I completed a longer game of Salerno 43, and have played 3-4 scenarios from Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kits, #1 & #2. I love the freedom that VASSAL offers. During the week I will spend the evening hours with my wife and when she goes to bed, I will squeeze in a turn or two. I want to continue this for the entire year. I would like to get other games set up in VASSAL, games like Imperial Tide, Africa 41, and Up Front. If any of you want to play one of those games, hit me up, and let's get it going!
I also played this month's Combat Commander ladder game. I lost late in the game but it was a great match. New Acquisitions It has been a good month for getting some new games. I had never owned a game from Compass Games, until last week. I ordered Imperial Tide and Western Front Ace. I did an unboxing and have to admit the components are TOP NOTCH! I can't wait to get the games onto the table. I am reading the rules for Imperial Tide as we speak so, I hope to start a playthrough next week.
I am looking forward to starting a campaign game of Western Front Ace. There is a great Facebook group that enhances the game and I look forward to it. This month will be the first month of my participation. Go check out the Western Front Ace group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6591189977569217 I have three more new games coming, so stay tuned! If you get a chance, please like, subscribe, and comment on the channel. It is FREE and hey maybe I will get better at the YouTube Thing.. haha! Until next time, Roll well, be kind, and remember these are only games! Have some fun and don't take yourself so seriously.